Magical Story Chest logo idea

Tel: 07720 310 455


Magical Story Elves – Performer Contract

1. Definitions

The following expressions shall have the following meanings:

1.1 Agent refers to Magical Story Elves.

1.2 Artist refers to an individual who accepts the Agent’s offer of engagement.

1.3 Client refers to any third party, including individuals, partnerships, companies, or other entities, that negotiates with the Agent to procure the services of the Artist.

1.4 Engagement refers to the employment or use of the Artist by the Client or any third party introduced to the Artist by the Client on a short-term basis under any form of contract or agreement.

1.5 Terms and Conditions refer to the terms set forth in this document, as well as any subsequent terms agreed upon in writing by the Agent.

1.6 Performance Fee refers to the payment due to the Artist from the Agent for an Engagement.

1.7 Booking Confirmation refers to the contract between the Agent and the Artist, incorporating these Terms and Conditions.

2. General

2.1 These Terms and Conditions supersede any prior agreements, documents, or communications between the parties.

2.2 Any variations to these Terms and Conditions must be agreed to in writing by the Agent.

2.3 These Terms and Conditions apply automatically to all bookings made through the Agent.

2.4 This contract must be reviewed and agreed upon by the Artist and applies to all bookings accepted by the Artist via the Agent.

3. Payment

3.1 The agreed Performance Fee will be paid directly by the Agent to the Artist via BACS upon completion of the booking.

3.2 The Artist is responsible for all applicable tax obligations, including National Insurance, VAT, and any other legal deductions.

4. Artist Obligations

4.1 The Artist must act in a professional and courteous manner at all times and arrive punctually for all Engagements.

4.2 If the Artist anticipates a delay, they must contact the Client directly. Payment may be adjusted accordingly based on performance duration.

4.3 If the Artist is deemed unfit to perform due to intoxication from alcohol or drugs, the Agent reserves the right to withhold payment and terminate all future contracts.

4.4 The Artist must perform to the highest professional standard.

4.5 The Artist must maintain a minimum of £10 million in public liability insurance and provide proof of coverage to the Agent.

4.6 The Artist must hold a valid DBS Certificate and provide proof to the Agent.

4.7 The Artist must comply with all health and safety, fire prevention, and venue regulations.

4.8 The Artist may not distribute personal business cards or promotional materials to Clients, audience members, or third parties. All future inquiries must be directed to the Agent.

4.9 The Artist shall not disclose company information, including procedures, service content, client details, or trade secrets, to any external parties.

4.10 The Artist must maintain exclusive engagement with the Agent for children’s entertainment services and must not engage with competing companies, establish a similar business, or accept independent bookings. Any breach of this exclusivity agreement will be considered a conflict of interest, and the Agent reserves the right to withhold all payments and terminate any future contracts with the Artist. This exclusivity clause remains in effect for two years following the termination of the Artist’s association with the company.

4.11 The Artist must credit and tag the Agent in any social media posts featuring their work for Magical Story Elves.

4.12 The Artist is responsible for ensuring that their personal equipment meets safety standards and is in good working order.

4.13 The Agent will provide necessary costumes, kits, and equipment, excluding shoes, sound systems, leads, music players, and microphones. All Agent-provided equipment must be returned in good condition after each booking. The Artist is responsible for any loss or damage. Upon termination of their engagement with the company, the Artist must return all Agent-provided equipment in a timely manner and in the condition in which it was issued, subject to reasonable wear and tear.

5. Cancellations

5.1 The Artist may not cancel an Engagement unless due to Force Majeure or illness. In such cases, the Artist must provide reasonable proof to avoid breach of contract.

5.2 The Artist must notify the Agent immediately of any intended cancellation.

5.3 If a Client cancels a confirmed booking, the Agent will seek cancellation charges on behalf of the Artist.

5.4 If the venue is unsuitable for the Artist’s performance, resulting in an inability to perform, the Agent will seek cancellation charges from the Client.

5.5 If the Artist is subject to verbal or physical abuse at an Engagement, they may terminate the performance without penalty, and the Client will remain liable for full payment.

5.6 If the Artist wishes to terminate their association with the Agent, they must fulfill all previously agreed bookings to the best of their ability unless otherwise agreed in writing.

5.7 The Artist and Client must adhere to all current Government COVID-19 Guidelines for safety purposes.

6. Entire Agreement

These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between the parties and supersede any previous agreements, arrangements, or understandings, whether written or oral. This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law, and both parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts